Categoria: Oracle Database

Oracle Database 12c

Was presented the new Oracle Database 12 c. It took 5 years of development, 500 new features and 3000 systems used in doing the test, 1 million daily test and 1.2 million hours of stress test. The new Oracle Database 12c is designed for the new paradigm of cloud compuntig.

4 Luglio 2013 0

Oracle Views in Oracle Forms: optimize data retrieval from a view avoiding the upstream filter in Oracle Forms

Oracle Views are useful tools for query multiple tables or get aggregate result; Oracle Forms can use views and display view data like a normal data table. In high cardinality data tables this artifact produce a lack in query time result, if we needs to add “ default_where “ condition to our block. We can…
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1 Luglio 2013 0

Sequence in RAC

Problem: I created a sequence of a DB in rac: SQL> CREATE SEQUENCE PROVA_SEQ_OBJ START WITH 2001 INCREMENT BY 1 MAXVALUE 9999999999999999999999999999 MINVALUE 1 NOCYCLE CACHE 20; Values ​​are not disconnected in sequence in the two nodes of the recommendations: instance two:   SQL> SELECT USERENV(‘INSTANCE’) FROM DUAL; USERENV(‘INSTANCE’) ——————- 2 SQL> SELECT PROVA_SEQ_OBJ .nextval…
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26 Giugno 2013 0

Create Database Link

Use the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement to create a database link. A database link is a schema object in one database that enables you to access objects on another database. The other database need not be an Oracle Database system. However, to access non-Oracle systems you must use Oracle Heterogeneous Services. After you have created…
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19 Giugno 2013 0

Retrive sqldata through shell script

It could be useful get data from DB by a  bash script Linux. Using a shell Bash is possible to create the following query: dir_in=`sqlplus -s $PMS_CONN_STRING <<EOF SET PAGESIZE 0 FEEDBACK OFF VERIFY OFF HEADING OFF ECHO OFF select directory_path FROM all_directories WHERE directory_name = ‘GARBAGE_SFTP_AREA’; exit EOF Analyze this script. The query above,…
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17 Giugno 2013 0

Create Oracle SQL Profile For Tuning

Looking for how to tune a SQL statement by creating a SQL Profile? The query optimizer can sometimes produce inaccurate estimates about an attribute of a statement due to lack of information, leading to poor execution plans. Automatic SQL Tuning deals with this problem with its SQL Profiling capability. The Automatic Tuning Optimizer creates a…
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12 Giugno 2013 0

Moving Audit Trail Table

Reading the previous article posted on June 3 about enabling auditing in an Oracle Database, I’d like to add some other useful information. Oracle stores all the audit results in the SYS.AUD$ table, as stated in the previous article. But the bad news are that the table is by default in the SYSTEM tablespace: SELECT…
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11 Giugno 2013 0

A subquery example

We happened recently to solve a problem of this type: we had a structure in which, for each category (shown in a table A) had a number of items of detail (in a table B) numeric values ​​(the latter given in a table C that implemented them a one to many relationship between A and…
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6 Giugno 2013 0


The Oracle RDBMS provides various control functions of the system security. Among these, there is also a function of AUDIT TRAIL that lets you record any activity carried out on the database of interest. The control possibilities are very sophisticated and flexible, but it is necessary to avoid excessive control to avoid needlessly heavy and…
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3 Giugno 2013 0

IOT Table

An IOT keeps its data stored according to the primary key column values for the table.IOTs store the data as if the entire table was stored in an index.  Anormal index only stores the indexed columns in the index; an IOT stores all of the table’s columns in the index As the table’s data is…
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29 Maggio 2013 0